Thursday, March 28, 2013

Group '' Fighting " @Reading3 with Kyky Ratna P, Ida Ayu SS, Nur Oktafiani, Indah Istikha P, and I. 

Expressing Feelings
Perry, Audrey, and Leona, they are friendship, and one day one of them has the problem. There are some expressing feelings that they have showed.
In the afternoon at 09.00 a.m. when Audrey and Perry run into in the garden, suddenly Leona is coming.
Perry                                     : hi…nice to meet you here, yesterday I didn’t see you in the campus.
Eum what’s wrong with you, I think your face looks so pale and sad, are you ok?
 (Perry is cheerful person, and she is so worry Audrey’s condition)
Audrey                                 : hi Perry…I never thought, we meet here. I haven’t lecturer today.
                                                  Perry, my friend, I’m just alright, don’t worry me please?
(Audrey answers in slowly, and also she is seldom smiled. She looks so cold to Perry, who is her true friend)
Perry                                     : Hmm…really... You are not lying to me right, I know you, Audrey,
  (And then Perry is smiled.)
(Suddenly Leona is coming when both of Perry and Audrey are in their astonishment. She takes Perry’s hand to surprise her.)
Leona                                    : Aha… (She’s smiled in happy) What are you doing here guys?
 (She looks both faces)
What’s happened? Don’t let me unknown? Your faces look so serious, isn’t    it?
Audrey                                 : We just pass here, and then you? (She keeps something in her heart)
Leona                                    : hem…Do you curious? Ha-ha… (Leona is joking)
Perry                                     : Hey Le…yeah we are so curios to you… maybe you are playing with your
  younger sister...
                                                  I know you usually play with some flowers here, isn’t it? Hahahaha…..
                                                  (She adds the joking to Leona)
(Audrey’s hand phone is ringing, and then she answers it quickly.)
Audrey                                 : I’m sorry sis… I have to go because I cannot answer this calling here. Bye…
Perry and Leona               : Hey why you left us like that?
(Audrey is walking away from them while she is answering the phone seriously)
Perry                                     : Le… Don’t you look Audrey so different?
Leona                                    : Yes, I think so. What’s the problem?
Perry                                     : I don’t know her problem. When I was asking her, suddenly you came in.
Leona                                    : Ooo…. it is looked so serious, right?
Perry                                     : That is the case. Le… we have to know more and help her.
Leona                                    : Yeah we have to. She is our friendship, and we cannot see her in sadness.
Perry                                     : That’s right Le… that’s the real friendship.
Leona                                    : How if we go to her house this afternoon? I’m so worry her condition.
Perry                                     : That’s good idea. Audrey, who is my friendship, looks so sad, whereas I’m so miss our togetherness moment.
Leona                                    : Ooo…I’m so melting to hear that, and I miss you too so much, my friendships.
(Both of them are hug.)
Leona                                    : By the way, I’m still curious, what’re you doing here?
Perry                                     : Ooo…. Unexpectedly I just want to go here. I bring my lovely novels, and then I enjoy the morning with freshen air. It is so relax me. (She looks so enjoy and she is smiled to Leona) how about you Le?
Leona                                    : Wow… you always like that. You, who like the beauty, the peacefulness, the coolness and the word near it, are my calm friendship. (They are smiled).
Perry                                     : Really is it me? Haha (Perry is smiled wider)
Leona                                    : Perry, I’m here because I have an experiment about some flowers to my assignment. Therefore I go to this garden which is near of my campus, and I’m glad to see you.
Perry                                     : Hem… that’s you. I hope your assignments are always good, friend. Keep spirit.
(Leona is bringing the paper and pencil, but she is alone without her friend’s campus)
Leona                                    : Thanks you so much, friend. You are always support me and never tired to give me spirit.
Perry                                     : Never mind guys aren’t we always support each other?
Leona                                    : Yeah alright, ummmm well we will see again in my house at 04 p m. we will go together to Audrey’s house.
Perry                                     : Ok guys, I will go to your house after I finish this assignment.
                (Perry goes home while Leona is staying in the garden to finish the assignment. After they finish the activities each other, at 04.00 p.m. Perry arrives to Leona’s house.)
Leona                                    : (Leona is knocking the door). Perry……I’m here, so you go out please.
Perry                                     : Come here, the door isn’t knocked. Le… waits a moment please
                (In a few minutes later)
Perry                                     : Let’s go to Audrey’s house.
Leona                                    : Come on.
                (While both of Perry and Leona are on the way, Audrey is dreamy in the porch of her house by alone. Even though she keeps stay till their friendship come. )
Perry                                     : Hey Audrey….
Leona                                    : (she shout in rather hard) Audreeeyyyy……
Audrey                                 : Hey…come here please…
Perry                                     : Why are you dreamy?
Leona                                    : Let’s tell us drey…..come on we are going to listen to you
Audrey                                 : Eumm…. Ok. I couldn’t hide this problem to you, so I’m telling you
                                                  You know guys, my boyfriend, who has named Tom, ehmm
(Audrey’s faces so sad in glassy eyes)
Leona                                    : What’s happened with Tom?
Perry                                     : Tell me more..come on
Audrey                                 : My parents don’t promise me to keep in touch with Tom
(Unexpectedly Audrey is falling the tears)
Leona                                    : Why your parents prohibit your relationship?
Audrey                                 : I have ever told to my parents that he will school abroad in soon. Yesterday he offers to engage me, but suddenly my parents refuse his offering.
Leona                                    : I think you should talk with your parents what the reason, so you will get the best solution.
Perry                                     : I agree with you, Leona. You should do.
Audrey                                 : Thank you so much friends that you always be there for me. You always care, help, and support me. Thank you so much my friendship. You are the best.
(Audrey is smiled, but she is still falling tears.)

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